Böll·Europe Podcast #8 | Cleantech and Europe: what’s next?
Show notes
In February 2023, the European Commission presented a Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support the fast transition towards climate neutrality. Among other things, the Plan appears to foster the EU’s willingness to lead globally in the race for development of cleantech. Crucially, however, the Plan came in after US legislators passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022. And, meanwhile, China has also demonstrated its capacity to act on cleantech. This Böll·Europe Podcast episode takes stock of EU actions in the global race for cleantech leadership and what else needs to be on the agenda to achieve a 100% renewable Europe. Gail Rego interviews:
- Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Director - EU Programme at the Institute for Climate Economics
- Suzana Carp, Deputy Executive Director at Cleantech for Europe
Read the factsheet "EU public finance landscape for cleantech" By Ciarán Humphreys and Thomas Pellerin-Carlin"
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