Böll·Europe Podcast #14 | Europe after the 2024 EP elections

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More than 400 million people are expected to vote in the European elections on 6-9 June 2024, and decide on the next European Parliament. According to the polls, a shift to the right is expected in many EU countries, with populist, radical far right parties gaining votes and seats across the EU. What impact would this have? We will try to understand how the Europe we know might change in 2024 and foresee how the EU’s policy agenda and the direction of future EU legislation will be affected by it. And in line with this, we will also discuss the potential effects of an isolationist US administration after the November 2024 elections. Gail Rego talks to:

  • Roderick Kefferpütz, Director of the European Union office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. His expertise lies in the role of the EU in a changing world order and Europe’s green industrial transformation. He is also a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council.
  • Sophie Pornschlegel, Director of Studies and Development at Europe Jacques Delors, a Brussels-based think tank, with a focus on sustainability and Green Deal issues. She teaches EU integration at Sciences Po Paris. In November 2023 she published the book "The end of the usual order - Why we need to rethink power" in German.


  • Have a look at the new dossier on the 2024 EP elections, full of interactive graphics, contributions from our offices and partners throughout Europe, as well as a spotlight on the “super election year” 2024.
  • Check out also our new publication with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, on how Europe might approach an isolationist Trump 2.0 US administration
  • On 3 April 2024 we published an Action Plan for the next European Commission 2024-2029 on how to achieve 100% renewable energy in Europe. Check it out!
  • The Green European Foundation has published "Navigating NATO: Green and Progressive Paths to Influence", a report that delves into how greens and progressives across Europe can impact NATO, examining various approaches and the associated risks and opportunities.
  • Finally, we recommend the new book by Sophie Pornschlegel “At the end of the usual order - Why we have to rethink power” edited in German by Droemer.

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