Böll·Europe Podcast #0 | Discourses on demography in the EU institutions
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Demography was never a matter of just numbers or statistics. It was not just a question of birth rates or fertility rates. Historically, it was always part of social engineering by the state and by political elites. That's what Shalini Randeria, president and rector of the Central European University in Vienna said talking about the need to review how seemingly objective demographic data is used to inform EU policy-makers and why a re-framing and re-analysis of such data is needed. Randeria recently joined the authors of a new report on demographic discourse within EU institutions for an online discussion. Both the report and the discussion, which took place virtually on 16March 2022, were organized by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union office and the Gunda-Werner-Institut as part of the European Feminist Platform which connects activists, scholars and political decision-makers to explore how feminist best practice can positively shape the future for all, rather than just benefiting the few. Listen to this Böll·Europe Podcast episode presented by Esme Nicholson.
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